Friday, October 12, 2012

Ten Stories - MeWithoutYou

This is a great example of a band writing for all the right reasons. Ten Stories is different from any other MeWithoutYou installment, but similar to all of them. It recalls the post-punk energy, from A-B life, catchy-as-fuck croon-style scream-singing of lyricist Aaron Weiss, and memorable storytelling, such as those in Its All Crazy, Its All False. I am lucky enough to have seen MeWithoutYou perform this tour, and, frankly, they knew exactly what they were doing, exactly what the audience wanted to hear, and were pro about it. Major props to this band, their sound is desireable, something easy to label, but impossible to replicate.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard it yet, but it sounds like it's got all the right elements happening. I will check Ten Stories out!
